Simple Ways to Help Your Kids Start Praying on Their Own

Simple Ways to Help Your Kids Start Praying on Their Own

Did you know National Day of Praise and Worship is September 26th? As parents, one of the best things we can do is help our kids build a strong prayer life. But if you're wondering where to start of how to get your kids comfortable with praying on their own, here are 2 super easy ways to try.

1. The 5 Finger Prayer: This is a simple way to teach your cutie to start the day talking to God. Each finger represents someone to pray from, making it an easy way to connect with faith together. Here's how it works, we start with thank and then:

  • Thumb: The thumb is the closest to you, so it represents the people closest to you-your family and friends. Pray and ask God to take care of them.
  • Index Finger: It points the way, so it stands for those who teach us-like teachers, coaches, and mentors. Say a prayer for the people who help use learn and grow.
  • Middle Finger: The tallest finger stands for our leaders. Say a prayer for leaders in our communities, country, and the world, asking God to give the wisdom and strength.
  • Ring Finger: Reminds us to pray for those who are weak, sick, or in need.
  • Pinky Finger: The smallest finger represents yourself. After praying for others, remind your child it's ok to pray for their own needs too. 

I love the 5 Finger Prayer because it helps kiddos focus their prayers and teaches them to think of others which is a great way to build compassion.

2. Explore Bible Verses Together: Another way to start your child praying on their own is by connecting their prayers to the Bible: Here's an easy way to do it:

  • Start with a Topic: Ask your child if there's something they've been thinking about or dealing with-maybe at school or with friends. Google Bible verses related to that topic.
  • Read and Reflect: Oce you find a verse that your child really likes, read the entire chapter that the verse comes from. This helps your child see the bigger picture and understand how God's word applies to their life.
  • Talk and Pray: Take some time to chat about how the verse connects to what they're going through and how God is there is in that moment. Encourage your child to say a simple prayer based on what they just learned, asking for help, giving thanks, or just talking to God.

Getting your kiddo praying doesn't have to be complicated and can be an amazing moment of quality time. Whether you go with the 5 Finger Prayer or explore Bible verses together, these are easy ways to get your child to see the power of prayer in their everyday life.

If you're looking for more ways to make faith fun for your family, check out our Mommy and Me Prayer Coloring Book and Quality Moments Card Game. They're perfect for creating QT With Your Cutie AND bring you closer to God.


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